How Much Does it Cost to Build a House in Florida. Hi Carl, I am half way through your book. I am catching myself reading each chapter times!.What is the cost to build a sq ft. home in South Florida's Southwest Ranches on a . acre lot. Is it cheaper to build w flat roof? Find answers to this and many other questions on Trulia Voices, a community for you to find and share local information. Get .In particular, Naples showed a significant jump in pricing and home size, with a $, average increase in pricing, to an average of $,, and an over square foot increase in home size, to an average of ,. However, the price per square . Average cost of building a house in Florida? I am considering having a house build on a lot I own in southwest Florida, north Naples area, near Naples Park. Can anyone provide me with an estimate of the average cost per square foot to build an approx. , square foot house on a quarter acre lot with bedrooms, bath an car garage?.
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